
rorocloud is a service to run user’s code in pre-configured compute environments in the cloud.

The primary interface to interact with the rorocloud service is via a command-line tool called rorocloud.


The rorocloud client can be installed using pip.

$ pip install -U rorocloud

You can check the version of the rorocloud client you can using:

$ rorocloud version
rorocloud, version 0.1.3

Getting Started


Login to rorocloud service to get started.

$ rorocloud login
password: ********
Login successful.

After login, your credentials will be saved permanently on your local computer. You can use the rorocloud whoami command to find the email address of logged in user.

$ rorocloud whoami

You need to have a valid login to use this service. Please write to us at if you don’t already have one.

Running Hello world

Once you are logged in, you can run commands in the cloud. Let us try with a simple one.

$ rorocloud run echo hello world
created new job ff4a0620

The rorocloud client submitted a new job to run the command echo hello world and the job id is ff4a0620. Let us look at the logs of the job.

$ rorocloud logs ff4a0620
starting the job
executing command
hello world
job finished with exit status 0

We can also run a command in foregrond by passing --foreground option.

$ rorocloud run --foreground echo helloworld
created new job cd5c7c7c
starting the job
executing command
job finished with exit status 0

Running Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter notebooks are natively supported in rorodata. To start a jupyter notebook, run:

$ rorocloud run:notebook
created new job 60984179
starting the job
executing command
Jupyter notebook is available at:

The jupyter notebook server can be stopped using:
    rorocloud stop 60984179

That would start a jupyter notebook and the URL to access the notebook will be printed. The notebook server is protected using a token.

The jupyter notebook server will continue to run even after closing the browser window and it must be stoped using rorocloud stop command.

The notebooks will be stored in /data/notebooks directory.

Copying files

The put command copies a local file into the cloud.

For example, to copy a file from current directory to /data:

$ rorocloud put /data/

Status of Jobs

The status of currently running jobs be seen using:

$ rorocloud status
JOBID     STATUS    WHEN            TIME     CMD
--------  --------  --------------  -------  ------------------------------
60984179  running   14 minutes ago  0:14:18  /opt/rorodata/jupyter-notebook
74ee24a1  running   24 minutes ago  0:24:47  python